Make your own itinerary


As a company with 15 years of experience in Jewish heritage tours across the Europe we have thousands of satisfied guests. And we always tell visitors:

Czech Republic is not only Prague.

Austria is not only Vienna.

Poland is not only Auschwitz.

Holesov_webYou can travel one hour by plane and see nothing – or by our car and make your own itinerary, which fits to your needs and wishes. When one travels by car or bus between each one of our main destinations, there are many places of both Jewish and general interest which can be set as stops. Beautiful synagogues, remains of medieval shtethels, kivrei tzaddikim or natural resorts that are not visited that frequently. Such a visit changes a simple transfer into a half or even whole day tour which can make your Central European experience really unique.

It’s only up to you!

holasovice_webYou can travel from Prague to Vienna and Budapest or to Berlin and visit various other places – Holeschau (where rabbi Shach – Ba’al Sifsej Kohen – is buried) or Nicholsburg with kever rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz on the road to Vienna, Terezin (Theresienstadt), Decin (Tetschen) or Dresden on way to Berlin etc.



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